It is one of the most unique pujas which is done by most of the Hindu people throughout the country. In this particular puja if the ancestors of the person have done any kind of bad thing or bad karma it leads to consequences in the future generation or the present generation. This particular puja is done so that the mistakes which have done in the previous time or any kind of mistakes who is the ancestor has done while living in the past can be compromised or the mistakes should be forgiven.
पितृ दोष पूजा – स्थान, लागत और लाभ – ऑनलाइन बुकिंग हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करे।
This puja is to be done for the various kind of or any kind of mistakes which was done in the past which includes any kind of crime commitment or mistakes or any kind of work that is intentionally done to harm some other person. The consequences are to be reflected on the future generation of the ancestor of the present generation of the current time hence most people prefer doing this puja so that they will get rid of the negative impact which is applied on themselves.
Contact Trimbakeshwar Pandit Gaurav Guruji at +91 7744000589
Best Place to perform Pitra Dosh Puja
Most people get confused that was a person should do this pitra dosh puja in this particular case there are various kind of temples which is present and the country through which a person can do this puja in a completely appropriate manner so that the negative impact on the person’s life would completely vanish and the ancestor will get a chance to live peacefully. There are various kinds of temples which are present in the country which only focuses on doing these kind of pitra dosh puja only. If a person is living in Nasik then there are various kinds of temples in which person can do this particular puja but the best temple that person can visit is trimbakeshwar temple this particular temple is located at a very prime location hence it is very much helpful for the person to visit this place and do the puja for their ancestors.
If a person is willing to do this particular puja in various other parts of the country rather than doing it in Nasik then there are various kind of other temples which is presented in the country which completely focuses and give a complete amount of priority to performing these pujas in a completely appropriate manner with the entire perfection. There are temples present in the country such as badrinath, Rameshwaram, and haridwar present which completely focus on doing this kind of pitra dosh puja so that a person can get rid of all of the negative consequences which are eventually appearing in their life. There is various kind of professional priest present in the temple who have a complete amount of knowledge and they have many years of working experience they will do all of the following rituals in a completely appropriate as well as professional manner so that one person will get complete satisfaction out of the puja which is done.
Who should perform Pitra Dosh Puja and why?
It is one of the most confusing questions which occurs in various person minds who will eventually do this particular puja and why that person only will have to do that then the answer is very simple each person will have to follow the ancient text which is mentioned by the ancestors only. If any kind of family suffers through this particular pitra dosh puja then any forefathers up to the 4th generation will have to do it on the mother’s side only if they harden early death. These particular consequences can also happen in the 7th generation on the father’s side has suffered through any kind of unnatural death or they have expired at a very early age due to any kind of uncertainties which have happened in the person’s life.
For that particular reason the further future generation will have to suffer through various kinds of consequences in this particular case a person can also do this particular if they have a very close relationship with the person who has a dial or it also provides a very important respect to the parental desires which the ancestors have from the future or the further generations. The person will have to follow through various kinds of complete rituals so that complete satisfaction will be provided to the ancestor and the person who is doing this particular puja will get a chance to enjoy the complete amount of good deeds which is provided as a reward.
Benefits of doing Pitra Dosh Puja
If a person thinks that there is any kind of benefit while performing the puja then one person will have to realize that it is one of the most important and most beneficial things a person can do so that they can get an instant amount of upliftment or peace in their life. The person from the family who performs this particular ritual in a completely appropriate manner and for the peace of their ancestor then there is a very high amount of chance that the person will get a chance or the complete amount of desire to enjoy the entire amount of blessing which is provided by the ancestors only. the person who particularly appropriately does this complete ritual gets all the obstacles completed from their path and the problem which is present in their life will eventually vanish.
And they will not have to suffer through various kind of any kind of problem or uncertainties which was present there in the earlier time and was performing like a huddle in their life. One of the most underrated facts is that if a person will completely do this particular ritual then there is a very high amount of chance that the person will be free from various kind of evil energies which is present in the environment and the person will also get free from the various diseases which are present. The future and the career of the person will be on the positive side as well as the person will get a chance to be financially stable in their life and achieve each and everything which they want to do as well as The family relations between improved as well as there would be a complete amount of peace in between the complete family.
Book Pitru Dosh Puja at Trimbakeshwar by Gaurav Guruji: +91 7744000589
When should I perform this puja?
If a person is thinking that they should perform this particular puja in a completely appropriate manner then they will not have to think for a very long time just because amavasya and Ashtami are one of the most important dates which are present in a whole year in which person can do this complete ritual. There are various kinds of other days also present but if a person will do the pitra dosh puja in amavasya and Ashtami only then there is a very high amount of chance that the consequences order a negative impact which is present in the person’s life will get disappeared eventually on a very instant manner.
Also, there is a complete week present which is also known as pitru paksha where a person can perform the complete amount of ritual appropriately if they don’t get a complete accurate date that where or when they should do the puja. While doing the ritual these days it will give the best benefit to the person who is performing it.
How to perform Pitra Dosh puja?
If a person is willing to do this complete ritual then they must think that how much time is needed to do the complete amount of ritual. Then the maximum amount of time which is needed to perform this particular ritual appropriately is 3 hours only. If a person is willing to do this particular puja in the trimbakeshwar temple at Nasik then the ritual has to be done in the morning or the utmost evening.
Once the day and the time are decided there is a complete list of the ritual switches to be performed by the person who is willing to remove the consequences in their lives just because of pitra dosh puja. In this particular case, the priest which is present in the temple will give complete support and guide the person to do it in an perfect manner so that the ritual will be done in the most appropriate manner possible and the consequences which are happened in the life will eventually get removed.
Samagri for for Pitra Dosh puja
Most people think that while performing this particular ritual there is a very huge amount of materials which is required for a person. in that particular case, Jefferson is willing to do the ritual and complete appropriate manner then there are various kind of material which is required but the most important thing is that all of the materials which are required in this particular puja is very much cheap and the availability of every material is very much easy.
Even if a person is living in a rural area or an urban area doesn’t matter they can get the entire amount of material in a very easy manner and hence they can do the complete ritual and the most appropriate manner possible. Ashwagandha, Kaccha Soot, Abeer / Gulal, Jaggery, Flowers, New Clothes (including Gamcha and Dhoti for men and new sarees for women), Cow Dung, Turmeric powder, Honey, Sindoor These are the material which is required to perform pitra dosh puja most appropriately as possible.
What are the types of Pitra Dosh Puja?
Talking about the types of puja which are done at pitra dosh puja then there are 3 types only. If the person is willing to do this ritual in a longer manner as possible then they can extend it to 3 days where the ritual will be performed at a river and a complete amount of dedication is required while performing this particular puja. If a person is willing to do this complete ritual in a single day then they can do the puja with the help of the kind and this ritual will be completed in 24 hours only. The last and the easiest way to perform this complete ritual is that the person can visit the house at the Pandit and they can complete it in a single day in every systematic manner possible.
What is the Cost of performing Pitra Dosh Puja?
Most people things that for performing this particular ritual they will eventually have to spend a huge amount of money then which is completely wrong. if a person is willing to do this complete ritual then they will just have to spend a less or negligible amount of money just because the material which is involved in this particular ritual is very much less in cost as well as there are no extra charges required to do this ritual. The amount of charges which is applied by the priest is very much negligible just because if a person will get a complete rough figure that how much money they will eventually spend while performing this complete ritual is below 5000 Indian currency. The reason behind that is the materials which are listed and present there for completing this particular ritual will eventually take around 2000 bucks and the rest amount.
Pitra Dosh Puja Dates 2025
Jan 2025: 1/2/4/5/6/8/9/10/11/12/13/16/18/19/20/22/23/25/26/27/29/30.
Feb 2025: 1/2/3/5/6/8/9/10/12/13/15/16/17/20/22/23/24/26/ [महाशिवरात्रि] 27.
March 2025: 1/2/3/6/8/9/10/12/13/14/15/16/17/19/20/22/23/24/25/27/29/30/31.
April 2025: 3/5/6/7/8/10/12/13/14/16/17/19/20/21/24/26/27/30.
May 2025: 1/3/4/5/8/10/11/12/15/16/17/18/19/20/22/23/24/25/26/29/31.
June 2025: 1/2/4/5/ 7/8/9/11/12/14/15/16/19/21/22/23/25/26/28/29/30.
July 2025: 1/5/6//7/9/10/12/13/14/17/19/20/21/23/24/26/27/28/31.
August 2025: 2/3/4/6/7/9/10/11/14/16/17/18/19/21/23/24/25/27/28/30.
September 2025: 1/3/4/6/7 से पितृपक्ष 21 तक प्रतिदिन मुहूर्त / 22/25/27/28/29.
October 2025: 1/2/4/5/6/7/9/11/12/13/16/18/19/20/21/23/25/26/27/30.
November 2025: 1/2/3/5/6//8/9/10/12/13/15/16/17/19/20/22/23/24/27/29/30.
December 2025: 1/3/4/6/7/8/11/13/14/15/18/19/20/21/22/25/27/28/29/30/31.
The date on which the person will have to perform this particular puja. On this particular day, all of the rituals get the complete amount of blessing for the person who performed this ritual in the most appropriate manner possible as well as the most important thing is that the ancestors as well as the forefathers will get the complete amount of peace and satisfaction if a future generation or their grandchildren does this for themselves. Friday, 29 September and ends on Saturday, 14 October.
This particular puja if a person will do in a completely appropriate manner then there is a very high amount of chance that the person who will do it most appropriately then complete blessing will be given to them as well as the person will get a chance to enjoy the complete amount of benefits which is provided to them. As well as there is a very high possibility that the upliftment which is to happen will happen in the recent time only. Due to this, the person will eventually get the complete amount of success in their life as well as the person would be very much financially stable which will lead to a better amount of career which they have for themselves as well as it is also very much beneficial for their future generation.
Best Pandit for Pitra Shanti puja
The best Pandit which is available for completing this pitra shanti puja is Pandit Gaurav Guruji will eventually visit the temples which are mentioned above then they will get their professional priest who has many years of working experience in this complete particular field and the knowledge they have about this particular ritual is absolutely beyond imagination. He will make sure that the ritual is done in a completely appropriate manner as well as the consequences of the negative impact which a person having their life will eventually get deducted. You can contact with Pandit Gaurav Guruji with number +91 7744000589.
Not only that but if the person will visit various parts of the country then there are various kinds of puja which are present. He has the complete amount of knowledge that how a person should perform this complete ritual and the most appropriate manner possible. This complete ritual is done by the person and will only get effective if the person will eventually completes it as per the rules and regulations only. If the person will fail to perform the complete ritual and the most appropriate manner possible then there is a very high amount of chance that the consequences are negativity which are present already in the victim’s life will be get multiplied. And the person will have to suffer more as compared to what they are suffering.
Call Gaurav Guruji & Get Free Consultation at +91 7744000589